Status of sign-up for the 2010 Caravan

We plan to take 30 rigs on the Caravan plus the co-leaders(2) for a total of 32.  The twenty-four (24) who had signed up and made a deposit for the 2009 and 2010 Caravans have priority to sign on for the 2010 Caravan. This priority will last until Feb. 1, 2009.  Presently we have received deposits from ten.  Three have moved to the 2011 Caravan, three have made other plans while eight have not yet indicated their preference. Fourteen additional units have indicted an interest in being on the 2010 Caravan, but we have requested that they not make deposits until Feb. 1, 2009.  After that date, applications and $200 deposit will be accepted from anyone.