Updating the web site about every two weeks and current status of registation

The website has been updated to include the plans for the 2016 caravan and remove the 2015 items.  We plan to update about every two weeks.

The 2016 caravan currently is full with 30 rigs signed up and deposits received.  There are two rigs signed up on the stand-by list.  Normally folks will cancel or request another year, so if you are interested, contact us to be placed on the stand-by list and you  will have a good chance of going on the caravan.

The payment schedule for the kitty fee is that 50% of the remaining fee ($2150) is due by Feb. 1, 2016 and the remainder by May 1, 2016.

The 2017 caravan is also full with eight on the stand-by list.  Again folks cancel, so if interested get on the stand-by list.